Anna Kurhajec - Doughtery Family College
Jennifer Trost - Dougherty Family College
Louis Porter II - Dougherty Family College
Noah Gagner - Dougherty Family College
Sarah McCann - Dougherty Family College

The murder of George Floyd in the Spring of 2020 reinvigorated calls for systemic and institutional change to address the ongoing effects of racism. Universities and Colleges across the world responded by reaffirming their commitments to change and pledging to take action in the name of antiracism. But what it means to be a truly antiracist institution, as opposed to a not racist one, requires an institution look at their history, ideologies, polices, practices, and people - many core to an institution's identity. It also requires an institution to chart and enact a plan for action. The second part of the workshop will offer reflections of Dougherty Family College’s work to become an antiracist college. Additionally, workshop participants will be presented case studies that will illuminate and provide opportunities to apply learning and reflections from the first workshop.