Deans’ Panel on Racial Equity
Date & Time
Monday, April 26, 2021, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Wendy Wyatt Kathlene Campbell Buffy Smith MayKao Y. Hang Robert Vischer

This Dean’s Panel on Racial Equity will be a highly engaging Q&A session to learn and ask questions of deans about anti-racism work occurring in schools and colleges at St. Thomas. The deans will share initiatives they are each implementing in the areas of curriculum development; policy; student, faculty, and staff support; and community engagement. Wendy Wyatt will facilitate this panel. The following University of St. Thomas deans will talk about their processes for involving stakeholders throughout their colleges and schools: Kathlene Campbell; Buffy Smith; Robert Vischer; and MayKao Hang.

Session Type
Session One Workshop