Peggy Andrews
School of Business Faculty
Hamline University

Letitia Basford
School of Education Faculty
Hamline University

Kathlene Campbell
Dean, School of Education
University of St. Thomas

Valerie Chepp
Sociology Faculty
Hamline University

Kanishka Chowdhury
English Faculty
University of St. Thomas

Mads Clark
University of St. Thomas

Donte Curtis
Lead Consultant/Owner
Catch Your Dream Consulting

Amber Delgado
Graduate student in the Heritage Studies and Public History program
University of Minnesota

Summer Erickson
2020 Alumna
University of St. Thomas

Amy Finnegan
Justice & Peace Faculty
University of St. Thomas

Bryana H. French
Psychology Faculty
University of St. Thomas

Noah Gagner
Psychology Faculty
Dougherty Family College

Casey Gordon
Program Manager
Center for the Common Good

Sarah Greenman
Criminal Justice Faculty
Hamline University

Rachel Harris
Director, Finance and Planning for Student Affairs
University of St. Thomas

Rama Hart
Opus College of Business Faculty
University of St. Thomas

Alexander Hernandez-Siegel
Director, Office of Diversity and Inclusion Services
University of St. Thomas

Jessica Hodge
Faculty Director
Center for the Common Good/Justice & Society Studies Department

Shari Johnson
School of Social Work Faculty
University of St. Thomas

Jacob Jurss
History Faculty
University of St. Thomas

Dustin Killpack
Assistant Director
Center for the Common Good

Mike Klein
Justice & Peace Faculty
University of St. Thomas

Jaewho Ko
Sejong Academy of Minnesota

Anna Kurhajec
History Faculty
Doughtery Family College

Jesse Langer
Assistant Dean of Students
University of St. Thomas

Todd Lawrence
English Faculty
University of St. Thomas

Joe Lewis
English Faculty
Hamline University

Melissa Loe
Mathematics Faculty
University of St. Thomas

Paul Lorah
Geography Faculty
University of St. Thomas

Sarah McCann
Theology Faculty
Dougherty Family College

Angela Mendez
Life Skills Coach/Counselor
Dougherty Family College, University of St. Thomas

Amir Mohammed
Communication & Journalism Faculty
Dougherty Family College

Shukrani Oduli Nangwala
University of St. Thomas

Adem Ojulu
Administrative Assistant, Interprofessional Center for Counseling and Legal Services
University of St. Thomas

Louis Porter II
English Faculty
Dougherty Family College

Theresa Ricke-Kiely
Executive Director
Center for the Common Good

Phil (Johnny) Rosier
Psychologist, Counseling and Psychological Services
University of St. Thomas

Noelle Roubinek
University of St. Thomas

Kelly Sardon-Garrity
Associate Director
Center for the Common Good

Ry O. Siggelkow
Theology Faculty
University of St. Thomas

Frederica Simmons
University of St. Thomas

Hugh Smeltekop
Program Manager, STEM Inclusive Excellence Program
University of St. Thomas

Buffy Smith
Dean, Dougherty Family College
University of St. Thomas

Olivia Tjokrosetio
University of St. Thomas

Jennifer Trost
Sociology Faculty
Dougherty Family College

Chioma Uwagwu
2020 Alumna
University of St. Thomas

Robert Vischer
Dean, School of Law
University of St. Thomas

Eve Wasylik
University of St. Thomas

Rachel Weiher
University of St. Thomas

Linnette Werner
Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences
Hamline University

Wendy Wyatt
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
University of St. Thomas

MayKao Y. Hang
Dean, Morrison Family College of Health
University of St. Thomas